Most teenagers have a lot of time on their hands and so do their friends. This summer is the summer of hanging out. Board games are making a steady comeback as an alternative to playing screen games. At home, spa days are a great way to relax. Other things at home include movie nights and bonfires. Both are great late night hang out activities. Having a picnic by the river with friends is a great outdoor activity. Doing ASMR in Walmart is a way to become bolder and have more confidence.
Hiking and camping lets you reconnect with nature while having fun. Camping is very versatile. There are many things to do such as roast marshmallows, catch bugs, go swimming, pick flowers, and stargaze. Walking around town is a great way to find hidden gems and get exercise. Going on a casual walk or drive helps calm nerves and relax. Starting a garden with your friends is fun and rewarding and is engaging all summer long.
Going on trips is a great way to bond and strengthen your relationships with your friends. Great travel spots are Lagoon, Rigby Lake, & Lava Hot Springs. There are many other things to do around Idaho falls. Going to the friendship garden or eating at one of the many restaurants downtown. On Saturdays there is a local farmers market downtown as well with many different vendors each catering to everyone’s wants and needs.