“Dune” part 2 has recently come out and it is definitely one of the top movies to watch right now. Just visually speaking, “Dune” part 2 looks stunning, especially on the big screen. The film’s aesthetic is much more distinct then the previous film. Costume and set design goes above and beyond for a stunning, finishing look. The fight scenes were very well done such as the scene where the Fremen ambush the Harkonnen spice vessels, that was a very good scene. Also Paul and Feyd-Rautha’s fight was entertaining although it was short.
It is also good to see a more dark version of Jessica showing her calling in the Bene Gesserit. Also nice to see a more significant role for Chani. It would’ve been nice to see more of how this was on Paul mentally and showing how the spice affected him, and why he was special. When he uses the Bene Gesserit voice on The Reverend Mother is when we get to see how powerful he really is. It seems a lot of major events happen off screen though such as a massive war between the Fremen and the Harkonnen happens off screen. Some of the film just feels rushed and in a hurry to wrap up. The big battle at the end is an example of this as it feels kind of rushed, as the good guys make such quick work of the Harkonnen forces and the “super elite” Sadukar forces., This just doesn’t make that much sense as a battle should be well fought from both sides, which is part of a good movie. I would give this movie 4.7/5 stars. Overall, “Dune” part two was a cinematic masterpiece and we need more movies like this.