Zodiac Signs

Brenlee Welch

Aquarius- This month your true independence will come to show,  Aquarius. You might help others in an incredible way. Your emotions may get to you, so don’t let others tell you your limitations!


Pisces-  Try making new friends this month, pisces. Your gentle, artistic mind will be magnetic as Happy holidays are coming by. Make sure you sleep just enough so you can kick reality’s butt!


Aries- Your determined spirit will come into play this month, Aries. Although you might make some impulsive decisions, the end point won’t fail to make you happy


Taurus- Responsibility is going to come into play this month, Taurus. I’m sure your devoted personality wont have too much trouble in coming up on top!


Gemini- try going on a trip up the hills this month, Gemini. Your curiosity will thank you! Your gentle touch will be big this Christmas.


Cancer-  your persuasiveness will be a big thing this month, cancer. Let your imaginative mind take over as you eat a meal with your friends. Maybe something awesome will come out !


Leo- buy yourself something nice this month, leo. You deserve it as your generous personality has done so much so far.


Virgo- your hardworking sprit will pay off this month, Virgo. Keep at it and cleanliness of the mind will come your way!


Libra- you’re a little social bug, libra. Take advantage of it while you can! Your peaceful, fair minded personality will have a big effect on this month.


Scorpio- your assertiveness will become very great this month, Scorpio. You may become a trusted leader, or even find a new best friend. 


Sagittarius- try to travel somewhere pretty this month, Sagittarius. Your love for freedom will thank you! You may even find some generosity too.


Capricorn- try to find some new music this month, Capricorn. Your self will thank you. Your responsibility will come to play this month, so be on the lookout for something crazy!